Sept. 26 - Oct. 1
The 2013 event is sponsored by Dallas Modeling Company, LivGlam, and K-Collection by LivGlam and will culminate on Saturday, September 28 with 12 hours of live music and fashion events including 5 fashion shows, 6 Live Musical Artists, 5 DJ's, Dazzler's Dancers, Silent Auctions, a venue wide hunt and exclusive creations from the 34 fashion designers participating in this year's event.
This year's shopping event will open to the public on Thursday, September 26, 2013 at 12:00 am SLT and will close at 11:59 pm SLT on Tuesday, October 1, 2013. Designers will be providing exclusive creations with 100% of the sales going to the National Breast Cancer Foundation along with a fine selection of their newest and most popular designs donating a percentage as well.
Styles by Danielle is donating an exclusive gown Grace Rose for this event:
...and two more outfits with 50% going for the charity:
There is also a 10 L$ Hunt there and here is the prize from our store:
Five more Danielle outfits will be shown on the fashion show.
Find all these outfits in our booth at Rock Your Rack event.