My name is Aeon Crystal, I am a friend to Dani since 2009. When her brand was D-Design, I used to work for her as store-assistant.
By now you have already heard the sad news about Dani and attended to her memorial fashion-show that Models Giving Back had organised in tribute of her life and her remarkable Second Life career as a fashion designer and also to her memorial concert in tribute of Dani's singing career in SL, organised by her manager Sassy Sweetjc. Listen to Dani Plassitz memorial concert and singing recordings here (playlist made by Uli Jansma).
We: her RL husband Angel S., alial Allen who is a close friend to Dani, and I would like to thank you for all the expressions of sympathy and for the great events and articles in tribute to the beautiful soul that Dani is.
To list a few:
Jamee Sandalwood
Ava Jhamin
Sita Writer
Roberta Aulder
ModeLS Magazine
Showtime Magazine
Tivi Inglewood
Rehana Seljan
and so many more who posted their expressions on her facebook and on the condolence book I set up in Dani's store!
Sorry if I forgot to mention anyone who contributed and has a connection with Dani and Styles by Danielle. Also thanks to her models and bloggers who worked with Dani, please get in contact with me, I will be happy to get to know you! Send me a friend request or notecard in SL.
Styles by Danielle has a new home. Alial Allen kindly set up the new store location in consultation with Dani's husband, whose wish is that Dani's store continues!
At this point, I'd like to stress the great effort and dedication alial brings forth for our friend Dani Plassitz (R.I.P), to keep her Second Life work and thus a part of her legacy inworld for you, her loyal customers, friends and fans.
The new store location opening event with live-music in memorial of Dani Plassitz will be announced shortly.
Kind regards,
Aeon Crystal for Styles by Danielle
The new store location opening event with live-music in memorial of Dani Plassitz will be announced shortly.
Kind regards,
Aeon Crystal for Styles by Danielle
I am so happy to hear that her store will remain open in honor or her. Thank you!