Friday, June 24, 2011

Miss Danielle 2011 Sponsors Review

I would like to use this time to thank to our fabulous Miss D sponsors and bring them a little closer to you. Behind each label there is a very talented designer and let’s go on a tour to visit their stores!

First, let’s visit ZURI – jewelry creations by Zuri Rayna. This pretty lady is a real busy bee! As long as I know her she never had a day off or entertain herself and the result is seen as soon as you enter her store. Zuri Store_001

Zuri Store_002 Zuri Store_003

Zuri has crafted the crown, scepter and the jewelry set for our winner, exclusively:
DANIELLE Jadhe Bordeaux head Please, take your time to visit her store. I am sure you will be amazed with what you will see and go home with your bags full.
Click HERE for a tp.


Next we go to the *MS* GRAPHIC DESIGNS by Clarice Karu. Clarice is a multi-talented lady. Most of us know her as a singer with that velvet voice perfect for jazzy songs, but she is also an artist making shoes and portraits.

Clarice shop_001 Clarice shop_002 Clarice shop_003Clarice has generously given some of her latest releases to our winners and not to be mention as the last, she has voluntarily sang during the Miss Danielle event creating a beautiful atmosphere in the hall and helping the judges take their time to evaluate the finalists! Thank you, Clarice!

Please, do visit her store HERE.


Now we are at PELLETTERIA MORRISEY store by Didi Morrisey. It is an Italian style fashion accessories store and there you will find shoes, heels, sandals, boots, bags, belts etc.
Ladies, Didi has just put some awesome lucky letter prizes and I recommend you to visit her store asap! Click HERE for tp.Didi shop_001 Didi shop_002

You should visit her store not only for her unique style and designs, but also for very affordable prices.
The winners have received the prizes shown below:
Didi shop_003


And the last but not least is FURNITURE & DESIGN by Fanny Panacek. Fanny has a very delicate taste when it comes to the furniture design. She is able to make your home looking comfortable. And even there are hundreds of gazebo’s on the Marketplace to be found, come to Fanny’s store because hers are different!
Fanny shop_003

Here is the price our Miss has got:
Fanny shop_001 .. and our runners up:
Fanny shop_002 this beach set and a beautiful gazebo big enough for all your friends.
Please, visit the store HERE!

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